Monday, June 13, 2011

There are signs, and then there are "Signs"

I think this one is a Capital "S" Sign. I think it tells you about more than just the driving rules.

The top yellow diamond with the black slash through it means "End of Priority Road" so, after this you don't have the right of way anymore. After this intersection, the "Right Hand Rule" applies and whoever is on the right has the right of way entering a road.  That is a pain in the rear, in my opinion and seems pretty much an accident waiting to happen. Then there's the red and yellow lights together, which is telling you that the light will soon turn green and to get your car in gear. Everyone drives a standard transmission here, and Budapest is Very Hilly. So, you need the warning that the light is changing so you don't stall the car.  

And the stop sign-- no idea. When does that come into play? I've already been told I'm not the priority anymore, but I have a light which I think gives me the priority to go. hmmm..... After being stopped and screamed at by the rendőrség, I don't want to do THAT again. It leads me to the smiley face, which seems to have the attitude that no matter what, it will all work out okay. I'm going with that one. That's the message for the day.

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